Dr. Seuss: The Cat in the Hat
In a marvelously animated version of one of the most beloved of all Dr. Seuss tales, two youngsters find themselves at home with nothing to do on a rainy afternoon. But when the magical, mischievous Cat in the Hat arrives on the scene, they’re all cat-apulted into a day of rousing, romping, outlandish antics they
From a 3 1/2 year old…
Don’t confuse it w/ the ’72 version! This is the cat’s meow! “Very well…I’m a punk!” Ah, the Cat in the Hat classic songs finally on durable DVD! Buyers out there beware! Remember that this 1971 version is the animated TV version that we all remember, while the 1972 version is essentially the book being read out loud with some pans and close ups of the original pages. I bought the 1972 version last Xmas and my mouth hung open watching the book in action. However, up, up, up with this version! All the songs are classics and take me back to the days when it was okay to leave the kids at home alone. A great, great story!