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Becoming More Through the Loss of Your Cat: Complete Subliminal Hypnosis Audio Program

Addecd on June 23, 2014 in Cat Memorials |Bereavement Support
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It’s about love that does not end and does not have too! For most, the loss of the beloved dog, cat, horse, or ANY animal pet can be hard for most to bear. They are like family to those who love them. And, to lose one of them is to lose a family member. Just

It’s about love that does not end and does not have too!

For most, the loss of the beloved dog, cat, horse, or ANY animal pet can be hard for most to bear. They are like family to those who love them. And, to lose one of them is to lose a family member. Just as in the loss of a human, we go through our own disbelief and confusion, despair, realization, and then acceptance. We rebuild are life after we grieve, with the Loved One in a new and warm place in our life.

But, validation for pet loss is not that common. So, here is a complete set of subliminal hypnosis audios just for you. More information on how they work is just below.

Become more than you were before your loss. Bring that loving animal into your future. Be healed and whole!

These audios are dedicated to Tigger, Mona, and Ze. I love you and you love me.

Charles K. Bunch, Ph.D.
Clinical Therapist
Boise Bipolar Center

Subliminal Hypnosis Audios, general information. The audios you have purchased are specific to your topic of interest.

You are now choosing to

Find emerging heroic strength
Overcome and transcend problems
Transform into the person you were destined to be

What is subliminal?

Now, with subliminal hypnosis audios you can daily help yourself in minutes. Subliminal hypnosis is the use of powerful affirmations that are not recognized by the awake mind, but the unconscious mind can still hear them. Anecdotal research shows that subliminal stimulus is registered in the brain at the very moment it occurs. While you cannot hear this, your mind registers and remembers the message.

Why is this important?

Unconscious mind learning is the best way to overcome your inner resistance to change. We’ve all learned that life restrictions that need to be overcome. Life is restricting, I’m not able, I’ll never, I can’t be something. But, the unconscious mind is not enmeshed with these life messages. Getting past these life themes and movies, we can move on to reach our full potential which was that destiny we were born with. We can then experience all the elements of the famous quote by Nelson Mandela:

“Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won’t feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine, as children do. We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It’s not just in some of us; it’s in everyone. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.”

Titan Subliminal Hypnosis Audios are unique in the world.

They include:
• 5 specific affirmations geared just to this topic, Soft Bipolar. They are not generic at all.
• 5 specific positive living affirmations just for this topic
• 5 heroic inner character affirmations (archetypal)

Each audio is 10 minutes long and includes soft music and some have added sounds of nature to draw attention. Unlike standard hypnosis audios, you can use these
• In the gym
• While running or doing yard work
• While doing housework
• When driving or doing other things
• To use as a pre-sleep relaxer
• To use during any time of doubt or anxiety or when you need an attitude adjustment

We suggest you use the audio daily for 90 days, then several times a week. Hypnosis takes time and the greater your dedication to listening, the greater your results will b


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